Area Clubs

  • The Del Ray Club
    The Del Ray Club is a non-profit corporation operated and maintained by seven AA members who serve on a House Committee without compensation. The holding of AA meetings is the primary activity of the Club, with social activities occupying an important but secondary role. It also provides a meeting place between AA meetings.
  • Dupont Circle Club
    The Dupont Circle Club is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide a clean, organized, welcoming space for a variety of 12-step recovery groups. Located one block north of Dupont Circle, 2nd floor, 1623 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington DC 20009. 202-234-STEP (7837)
  • The Triangle Club
    The Triangle Club is a non-profit organization serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) 12-step recovery community of the Washington DC area. Our mission is to provide a safe and dependable clubhouse space where LGBT people may hold meetings in accordance with the 12 Steps and Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • The Unity Club
    The Unity Club of Falls Church, Virginia is a meeting place for members of Alcoholics Anonymous and fifteen other recovery fellowships based on the 12-Steps of AA.

Fellowship Links

  • Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA)
    The online resource for Alcoholics Anonymous in the Nation’s Capital. Find meetings, contacts, links and other information about AA in the area.
  • Al-Anon/Alateen
    Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters created and maintained this site for those who are affected by someone’s drinking.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
    The AA World Services site. A great centralized source for information on AA.
  • Narcotics Anonymous World Services
    Narcotics Anonymous World Services site. A great centralized source for NA.
  • Overeaters Anonymous
    The main site for Overeaters Anonymous. Start here to find more information on OA.
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics
    Adult children of Alcoholics is a twelve step program of women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.
  • Co-Dependents Anonymous
    A twelve step program for those who feel they invest more in the feelings, opinions and lifestyles of others while ignoring their own needs.
  • Gamblers Anonymous
    Gamblers Anonymous is a twelve step fellowship of men and women who have a problem with gambling.
  • Incest Survivors Anonymous
    A twelve step program for survivors of incest.
  • Marijuana Anonymous
    Marijuana Anonymous is a twelve step fellowship for those who are addicted to marijuana.
  • Nicotine Anonymous
    Nicotine Anonymous is a non-profit twelve step fellowship helping each other live niconte-free lives.
  • Workaholics Anonymous
    Workaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from workaholism.